Friday, August 7, 2009

Open Heart Vegetables

About two years ago the massive oak tree that was in the circle entrance came toppling down in a wind storm. We have tried a few things to spruce up the area but have added some new life with a vegetable garden this season. We also have a 'farm' on site that is planted with fruit trees, vegetables and even has a hen house. In fall we open the 'farm' up with our Harvest Tours where children and their parents get to see the inner workings behind growing food.
Pic: the first harvest donated to Open Heart Kitchen

The produce from these sites is donated to the Open Heart Kitchen and sold at Aldenlane's own Farmers Market located near the registers.

Jo @ aldenlane


  1. The quilt show was terrific this weekend - just wanted you to know I reviewed it on our blog today!

  2. I would like to thank Alden Lane Nursery for
    their contribution to Open Heart Kitchen.

    The fresh produce helps us provide nutritional meals to our clients daily.

    Thank you for considering Open Heart Kitchen.

    Wendy Weathers
    Operations Manager
    Open Heart Kitchen
