Friday, August 7, 2009

Open Heart Vegetables

About two years ago the massive oak tree that was in the circle entrance came toppling down in a wind storm. We have tried a few things to spruce up the area but have added some new life with a vegetable garden this season. We also have a 'farm' on site that is planted with fruit trees, vegetables and even has a hen house. In fall we open the 'farm' up with our Harvest Tours where children and their parents get to see the inner workings behind growing food.
Pic: the first harvest donated to Open Heart Kitchen

The produce from these sites is donated to the Open Heart Kitchen and sold at Aldenlane's own Farmers Market located near the registers.

Jo @ aldenlane

Moving Bees

You have probably seen at least a few bees buzzing about the nursery, that is because our giant oak trees play host to a couple hives. On hot days we can see them making furious circles out in front of their hives trying to cool of the interior of their arboreal homes. Other times we might come accross a large clump of them attached to a plant or pot. When we see them lounging about in a large clump it is when the hive is splitting or when they are searching for a new place to call home.

Don't be afraid of these high energy beings, we work with them constantly, marking places off with yellow caution tape to protect our guests. Sometimes if their swarming becomes a nuisance we will get an apiary specialist to come in and remove a hive.

Bees are essential to any garden environment because they aid plants in pollination. So if you can learn to get over any fears you might have of these flying acrobats please do so. If a bee takes a special intrest in you it usually is not because it is being aggressive, take it as a compliment that you smell good.
Happy bees= fruits and veggies
Jo @ aldenlane


Here are some pictures from when we first found the 'impatient kitten'
Her name is now Izzy, short for Isabel.
She has grown up considerably into a beautiful young lady!
Jo @ aldenlane