So what happens at Alden Lane when one of our green friends doesnt make it? WE compost them.
Composting has been going on at Alden Lane for over a year now, not only have we cut our dumpster pick up costs by over half but we have a large amount of usable freshly composted soil we can use in our landscaping. The demo farm we have back behind the nursery is the setting for our composting action. Anne who is the landscaping queen is responsible for initiating and keeping the program running.
I love our R2D2 rotating composter!
Another thing that I have been doing this week is planting up massive amounts of bare-root artichokes and rhubarb. We have a multitude of onions, strawberries, rhubarb, artichokes and horseradish available for you edible gardening needs.
and lastly...
Cyndee, our general manager, told me today about a new movement that is picking up speed that we just signed up for called 'the 3/50 project.' The concept is based around supporting the economies of our local communities by spending our money at our favourite local shops and businesses. So pick three local businesses you could not imagine living without and spend $50 a month at them. The reality is that without the support of our local communities even well established bedrocks of the community are being threatened by the economic low we are in.
For more information please visit
Jo @ Alden Lane